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Washington D.C. Spinal Surgery Malpractice Attorneys

Surgeons performing spinal surgery.

Spine injuries are often incredibly painful and can affect every part of your life. They can prevent you from being able to work and enjoy life as you once did. Many back and spine injuries require surgery to correct. While most patients turn to surgery to relieve the pain they’re experiencing, far too many suffer additional injuries during surgery or post-operative care.

Why do these injuries happen? When doctors operate on or near the spine, they will be working close to the spinal cord, the bundle of nerves that transmit signals from the brain to the rest of the body. If a doctor or another health care professional makes a poor decision or surgical error, the patient could suffer severe and potentially permanent harm.

As a patient, you trusted that the surgeon and other health care professionals involved in your treatment and medical care would adhere to the acceptable standards of their profession. You counted on them to heal your pain, not make things worse. If you suffered paralysis or another spinal injury due to a medical professional’s negligence, call The Law Offices of Michael M. Wilson M.D., J.D. and Associates for a free and confidential consultation with one of our medical malpractice lawyers.

Can I Sue My Doctor for a Failed Back Surgery?

Depending on the circumstances of your procedure, you could potentially sue your doctor for a failed back surgery. It’s crucial to note that simply being disappointed in the results of your surgery will not qualify as medical malpractice. For example, if the surgery didn’t provide the pain relief you expected but the doctor performed the procedure responsibly, you might not have a malpractice claim.

If a medical professional failed to behave as someone in the same position would, you could take legal action against them. Some examples of spine surgery malpractice include the following:

  • Lack of informed consent If you were not warned of the risks of your procedure, the consent process was rushed, or you otherwise could not make an informed decision, you might have a malpractice claim.
  • Misdiagnosis or overaggressive treatment — If your doctor made a mistake when diagnosing your condition or the surgeon recommended surgery when a less dangerous treatment would work just as well, you could be at risk of having an unnecessary or dangerous procedure.
  • Errors in surgery Even small mistakes can have devastating consequences for spinal surgery patients. If your doctor cuts too deep, severs a nerve, operates on the wrong site, or makes another error, you could suffer severe and potentially permanent harm.
  • Post-operative errors — Patients need to be carefully monitored and treated as they heal from surgery. If the medical team responsible for monitoring your condition and recovery fails to do so responsibly, you could suffer complications resulting in a malpractice claim.

Can I Sue for a Failed Spinal Infusion?

You could potentially sue your doctor, surgeon, or another medical professional if you had a failed spinal infusion procedure that resulted in severe injuries due to medical negligence. As with failed spine surgeries, you could be owed compensation if:

  • The medical professional didn’t explain the risks of your infusion procedure
  • The medical professional pushed for a spinal infusion procedure without discussing other treatment options
  • Your surgeon made an error during the procedure
  • Those responsible for monitoring you and checking on your progress were negligent, worsening your condition

Are There Treatments for a Failed Back Surgery?

Depending on the severity of your condition, you could potentially seek treatment for a failed back surgery. Some common treatments include the following:

  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (NSAIDs)
  • Corticosteroid injections
  • Activity modification
  • Physical therapy
  • Rest

Surgical errors cause complication to patient in Washington, D.C. hospital.

Is a Failed Back Surgery Considered a Disability in Washington, D.C.?

Back surgery is not listed as something that would automatically qualify you for disability benefits. But if a medical error injured you, you might find yourself unable to return to work. To be eligible for Social Security Disability (SSD) benefits, the Social Security Administration (SSA) will evaluate your condition and its likelihood of improving. They will then decide whether you qualify for disability benefits.

Is There a Difference Between Malpractice and Negligence in Washington, D.C.?

While some people mistakenly use the terms interchangeably, there is a difference between malpractice and negligence. Medical negligence is when a medical professional acts or fails to act in a way that meets the medical standard of care. If a patient suffers an injury due to medical negligence, it becomes medical malpractice.

What Is the Statute of Limitations for Medical Malpractice in Washington, D.C.?

The statute of limitations — the time limit you have to file a lawsuit — for medical malpractice injury claims in Washington, D.C. is three years.

Malpractice is not always immediately obvious after a procedure. It could take years for the patient to show symptoms in some circumstances. Because of this, Washington D.C. follows the discovery rule. This rule starts the timer on the patient’s claim on the day they discovered the injury, not when the medical procedure occurred.

Contact a Spinal Surgery Malpractice Lawyer in Washington, D.C. Today

At The Law Offices of Michael M. Wilson M.D., J.D. and Associates, our team’s experience in both the medical and legal professions allow us to successfully handle even the most complex of spinal surgery malpractice cases. We’ve obtained more than $100 million in compensation for medical malpractice victims and their families. Let us fight for the fair compensation you deserve. Call or reach out to us online today to talk to one of our experienced spinal surgery malpractice attorneys in Washington, D.C.

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Washington, D.C. 20036


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