Wrongful Amputation Lawyer in Washington, D.C.

Losing a limb may be one of the most physically and emotionally painful things that a person ever has to go through in life. Most of the time, when a limb is amputated, it is because of a serious condition such as loss of blood, severe damage to a limb in an accident, or a disease or infection. However, the loss of a limb due to a wrongful amputation performed by a medical professional is something that nobody ever expects to happen.
If you or a loved one is the victim of a wrongful amputation due to medical malpractice, you deserve full compensation for your losses. At The Law Offices of Michael M. Wilson M.D., J.D. & Associates, a Washington, D.C., wrongful amputation injury attorney is here to advocate for you. We can bring a rare combination of both medical and legal knowledge and experience to your case as well as a record of recovering more than $100 million on behalf of clients throughout the country. Contact us today to learn more.
When Is an Amputation Necessary?
According to Johns Hopkins Medicine, an amputation typically is necessary due to:
- Severity of injury – When a limb or extremity is severely injured, an amputation may be necessary to save the rest of the limb or even to save the life of the affected person. A mangled hand, foot, leg, or arm may have its bones and blood vessels so badly damaged that amputation is the only option. Frostbite is another time when a limb may be so severely injured to the point where it requires amputation.
- Disease – A blood vessel disease or diabetes may cause such severe complications that removal of the limb is required in order to save the patient’s life.
- Surgery – A doctor may need to perform a surgical amputation in order to remove a tumor from a bone or a muscle.
While amputation may be necessary, performing the amputation in a way that is medically sound is of the utmost importance. If a doctor makes an error during the process, including operating on the wrong patient or the wrong body part, it is absolutely unacceptable. It is also unacceptable to:
- Perform an amputation when it is not actually medically required
- Failure to provide a patient with the level of care that they require to treat the condition from which they are suffering, leading to the necessity of an amputation that otherwise could have been avoided.
What Are the Causes of Wrongful Amputations?
It may seem unthinkable that a doctor would amputate the wrong limb on a patient or perform an amputation on the wrong patient. Still, it happens. In fact, wrong-patient and wrong-site surgeries are a leading cause of medical malpractice claims. It may also be unbelievable that a doctor would order an amputation that a patient doesn’t really need. Unfortunately, these medical errors occur all of the time.
Some of the leading causes of wrongful amputations are:
- Misdiagnosis, delayed diagnosis and/or delayed treatment – In some cases, a physician fails to take action to properly diagnose or treat a patient’s condition until it is far too late, and amputation becomes necessary. In these cases, the amputation likely could have been prevented if the doctor had diagnosed and treated the condition earlier.
- Communication errors – A large percentage of medical mistakes are the result of communication errors between hospital staff members. For example, failing to pass along the correct patient’s chart prior to surgery, recording information incorrectly on a patient’s chart, marking the wrong body part, confusing patients’ names, or failing to discuss the surgery with the patient and the surgeon immediately before the surgery can all lead to a wrongful amputation.
- Failure to refer – Sometimes, a patient suffers from a condition that is serious enough that it demands the attention of a specialist. When this is the case, the patient should be referred to a specialist immediately. If they are not, the condition may progress to the point where there is no other option but an amputation.
What Are the Consequences of a Wrongful Amputation in Washington, D.C.?
The consequences of a wrongful amputation are grave. In all cases, a person loses a part of their body, be it a finger, hand, toe, foot, arm, or leg wrongfully. Living with this medical error can lead to:
- Disability – Losing any part of the body – even a single finger – can make life more challenging. In many cases, a person who undergoes a wrongful amputation will be prevented from returning to their normal way of life for many years if not forever.
- Medical complications – A wrongful amputation brings with it a whole host of medical complications, including the risk of infection, phantom pain, psychological harm, nerve issues, and more.
- Decreased quality of life – Losing a limb can mean an inability to do the things that a person once loved to do, which can result in a decreased quality of life. This is especially true when combined with the risk of mental health issues, including depression.
- Financial stress – One’s medical bills are high following a wrongful amputation. A person who undergoes a wrongful amputation will also likely require home accommodations, which can be costly, and will suffer lost wages, placing a tremendous amount of financial strain on family members.
What Damages Are Available for Wrongful Loss of Limbs in Washington, D.C.?
If you have wrongfully suffered the loss of a limb due to medical malpractice, you have legal rights. This is true whether the wrong limb was amputated, you had a limb amputated because you were confused for another patient, your limb was amputated unnecessarily, or if you needed an amputation because of medical malpractice that occurred earlier on. The Law Offices of Michael M. Wilson M.D., J.D. & Associates, will aggressively pursue a full and fair recovery for you, including compensation for:
- Past medical expenses and future medical costs
- Lost wages and loss of earning capacity
- Pain and suffering
- Emotional anguish
- All other economic and non-economic harm.
Contact Our Washington, D.C., Medical Malpractice Lawyers Today
While there is nothing that can be done to truly compensate you for the egregious wrong you have suffered due to a wrongful amputation, financial compensation can help you to move forward with your future. Our attorneys are ready to review your case for free and provide you with the legal advice and representation you need. Reach us today to get started.