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Attorney Michael M. Wilson Assists with a Possible Case of Health Care Negligence

Attorney Michael M. Wilson Assists with a Possible Case of Health Care Negligence

Attorney Michael M. Wilson assisted with the filing of a lawsuit on behalf of a mother acting for her child, a minor, who suffered from midgut volvulus just two days after birth. In the case, the plaintiffs are seeking at least $80, 000, 000 for medical malpractice and $10, 000, 000 in punitive damages.

What do the plaintiffs allege?

In the lawsuit, the allegations state that the defendant, the nurse in charge of caring for the child, should have recognized these symptoms immediately and reported to a supervisor. Reportedly, there was a lapse in time before the signs of bowel obstruction in connection with bilious emesis, a condition where a patient is vomiting bile.

The minor plaintiff was later taken to the NICU, due to abdominal distention and bilious emesis, which only continued to worsen as time passed. The child was then diagnosed with midgut volvulus and required removal of a portion of the intestine. Plaintiff has retained only about seven centimeters of his small intestine.

Does negligence play a role in this case?

In the lawsuit, the plaintiff, a minor, was d believe that the defendant “owed a duty of reasonable care” to the plaintiffs. The claims believe that the defendant should have recognized the symptoms of disease in an infant. The claims report that he had not been breastfed for at least 12 hours and was showing signs of lethargy.

Believing that the defendant did not react to prevent the child’s condition from worsening, there is belief that the nurse was negligent. The incident and significant loss of the small intestine could have been avoided altogether, had action been taken.

Have you suffered maltreatment by a health care provider?

Having experience as both a physician and more than 30 years of legal experience, Attorney Michael M. Wilson is well-equipped to handle these types of claims. The firm fights aggressively, especially in malpractice cases, to assist those who have been harmed or suffered under the care of a medical professional. If you or your loved one has suffered injury or loss due to negligence, we urge you to seek counsel immediately.

Contact The Law Offices of Dr. Michael M. Wilson, M.D., J.D. & Associates today for legal guidance.

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