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Medical Errors

Philadelphia Jury Awards $1.3M in Death of Baby at St. Christopher’s

Philadelphia Jury Awards $1.3M in Death of Baby at St. Christopher's

A Philadelphia jury has awarded $1.3 million to the estate of a baby boy who died after complex heart surgery at St. Christopher’s Hospital for Children. The jury agreed that the baby’s cause of death was an excessive amount of...

Settlement Reached in Joan Rivers’ Death

Settlement Reached in Joan Rivers' Death

Melissa Rivers recently announced that her medical malpractice lawsuit against the New York clinic where her mother died during a routine procedure has been settled. Joan Rivers suffered a medical emergency during a procedure to check out a raspy throat,...

Study Shows that Medical Error Should Rank 3rd for Most Common Causes of Death in the US

Study Shows that Medical Errors Should Rank 3rd for Most Common Causes of Death in the US

According to a study conducted by John Hopkins Medicine, medical errors should be the third leading cause of fatalities in the United States. Additionally, the study found that vital statistics remain undercover causing this issue to go unnoticed by the...

When Robotic Procedures Lead to Medical Malpractice Cases

When Robotic Procedures Lead to Medical Malpractice Cases

Many agree technological advances have greatly helped grow the medical industry. However, others believe that these robots may produce obstacles and technical complications. According to the United States Food and Drug Administration’s reports, robotic surgeries have resulted in 144 fatalities...

Doctor Negligence Causes Baby’s Permanent Brain Damage, Jury Awards Family $30M

Medical Malpractice Lawsuit

A jury at the Hampden Superior Court in Springfield has awarded almost $30 million to a Holyoke family after their baby suffered a serious and permanent neurological injury at birth. The baby, according to the pretrial report, was left in...

What Can Happen When a Patient is Released Too Early?

What Can Happen When a Patient is Released Too Early

When a patient becomes very ill or injured, they may be required to spend multiple nights in a hospital so they can receive medical attention around the clock. However, many hospitals face overcrowding on a daily basis, causing staff to...

Doctor Held Liable for $900,000 in Damages After a Baby Suffers a Serious Birth Injury


In July 2015, a three-judge panel confirmed a case of delivery room negligence, which held one doctor liable for about $900,000 in damages. At the conclusion of the case, the panel ruled that the doctor breached the standard of care...

How the Right Doctor Can Reduce Your Chances of Medical Negligence


For some, visiting the doctor can be a daunting task. That is why finding a good, knowledgeable, and reputable doctor is extremely important. Not only will your checkups and other visitations feel more comfortable, but you will also feel more...

The Risks of Misinterpreted Diagnostic Tests


There are a number of medical errors that can leave a person detrimentally injured and harmed. While some can be minor errors, others can affect a person’s life forever, or in the worst cases, cause death. In some cases, patients...

Tips to Avoid Medication Overdoses in Your Children

Tips to Avoid Medication Overdoses in Your Children

A medication overdose can happen to anyone. Due to the small size and weight of children, kids can suffer overdose errors easier than adults. In fact, research states that every year, over 600,000 children receive emergency room treatment due to...

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