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Medical Malpractice

Informed Consent and Medical Malpractice

Patient reading an informed consent document in front of doctor.

Informed consent is a core component of medical ethics. Healthcare providers are legally obligated to provide their patients with the information they need to make an educated decision about their healthcare, as well as receive their approval before proceeding with...

Rhode Island jury awards $61.6 million in damages for leg amputation caused by failure to administer anticoagulant

Elder amputee alone in the park

In December 2010, Peter Sfameni began experiencing lower back pain, fatigue, and weight loss. He sought help at the emergency room of the Rhode Island Hospital. He was then admitted for a pre-planned lymph-node biopsy. Prior to arriving at the...

What is Meant by a “Breach of the Standard of Care” in a Medical Malpractice Case?

Female doctor checking up disabled senior.

The standard of care is an essential concept in any medical malpractice claim. Healthcare providers must follow certain guidelines based on available medical knowledge when diagnosing and treating patients. These guidelines are known as standards of care. When providers deviate from accepted...

Top 10 Virginia Medical Malpractice Judgments in 2022

Medical malpractice judgement concept

Medical malpractice cases involve a patient’s injury or death due to a doctor’s negligent actions. Medical malpractice can occur if a medical provider misdiagnoses their patient or provides inadequate treatment for an injury. It can also result from a surgical...

Can You Sue a Hospital or Doctor for Denying Medical Treatment?

Doctor and nurses rushing critical patient to emergency room.

Roughly 130 million emergency department visits occur in the U.S. every year, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Under Federal law, private hospitals with Medicare approval must provide emergency care to patients in need, regardless of their...

How Do You Know If You Have a Case for Medical Malpractice?

Exhausted surgeons after a long operation.

Doctors and other health care professionals frequently perform heroic, life-saving work, but they can also make life-threatening mistakes. Medical errors can leave patients severely injured. Some of the injuries are fatal. In one study, researchers from Johns Hopkins Medicine found...

What Is the Statute of Limitations for a Medical Malpractice Case?

Patient's spouse talking to doctor.

If you believe you may have grounds for a medical malpractice claim, you may be wondering about the laws and legal requirements that could impact your ability to pursue justice and the compensation you deserve. One of the most important...

What Is Considered Medical Negligence?

Surgeon in the operating room.

We trust doctors and other medical professionals with our health and our lives when we’re under their care. Many doctors and other health care professionals provide attentive care, but they’re also human. They make mistakes, and sometimes those mistakes can...

Do Most Medical Malpractice Cases Settle?

Injured man with his lawyer came to see his doctor regarding malpractice settlement.

Discovering you’ve been harmed by the negligence of a medical provider that you trusted with your health can be shocking and devastating. If this has happened to you, you may be entitled to compensation for your losses through a medical...

What Is the Difference Between Express and Implied Consent?

Doctors on meeting with the patient concerning his diagnosis.

All patients have a right to be informed about any treatments and procedures a doctor has proposed. Physicians have a duty to make sure their patients can make informed decisions about their health. There are two types of consent that...

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