What is the Most Common Cause of Malpractice Suits Against Physicians?
Injuries due to medical malpractice are the third-leading cause of death in the United States after cancer and heart disease. Family members grieving the loss of a loved one due to medical error may be able to pursue compensation for their losses, such...
Attorney Michael Wilson Quoted in Courthouse News About COVID-19 Liability Claims
The coronavirus (COVID-19) has certainly raised medical questions nationwide, but also some unprecedented legal ones. One is whether doctors and other healthcare professionals can be held liable for patients that develop COVID-19 after being treated for unrelated conditions. Michael Wilson...
What are the Basic Requirements for a Medical Malpractice Claim?
Many patients are harmed by medical errors every year. But not every medical error involves malpractice by the doctor or other health care provider. Medical malpractice occurs when a medical professional injures a patient by failing to follow the recognized...
Maryland Caps on Damages in Medical Malpractice Lawsuits
Most hospitals, clinics, and healthcare workers in Maryland help their patients by providing quality medical care. There are times, though, when doctors and other healthcare providers make mistakes and do not fulfill the duty they have to properly care for...
How to File a Complaint Against a Doctor or Hospital
When you visit your doctor or go to the hospital, you have a reasonable expectation that your doctor will treat you with a high degree of care. Unfortunately, doctors are often overworked, have little time to devote to personalized patient...
Suing a Hospital vs. Suing the Doctor for Medical Malpractice
Your medical care can go wrong in a hospital. Instead of getting better, you may instead suffer harm due to a doctor’s negligence. If this occurs, you may be eligible to sue the hospital for medical malpractice. This may be...
Can You Sue the VA for Medical Malpractice?
You may have heard that the government cannot be sued. This is simply not true. The misconception may come from the doctrine of sovereign immunity, which harkens back to our nation’s English origins and which survived for centuries. That all...
How Long Do You Have to File a Medical Malpractice Lawsuit?
The law limits how long a person has to file a lawsuit. It is called the “statute of limitations.” In D.C, that time limit is three years. The purpose of the law is to give certainty. A person should not go...
What Is the Difference Between Medical Errors and Medical Malpractice?
Medical errors frequently occur in our country’s health care industry. However, not all medical errors are acts of medical malpractice. The distinction lies in whether the medical professional who made the error failed to treat a patient in accordance with...
How Long Does It Take for a Medical Malpractice Case to Settle?
When a doctor or other medical professional commits malpractice that harms a patient, the injured patient should explore all of his or her legal options. If the malpractice caused a patient’s death, the patient’s surviving family members should learn about...