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Cortical Visual Impairment (CVI) Birth Injuries


Cortical visual impairment (CVI) is a serious neurological impairment that can occur as a result of birth trauma. CVI is typically caused by trauma during birth involving a lack of oxygen or blood, as well as other causes that include developmental brain defects, head injury, hydrocephalus, and central nervous system infections.

CVI – which is sometimes referred to as neurological visual impairment (NVI) – is common in children with cerebral palsy and its severity can range from mild to very severe. CVI may also be temporary or permanent. New treatments have been found to help some children significantly improve their vision.

CVI can be a devastating impairment that causes long-term limitations in a child’s life. It is also an injury that is difficult to understand and for years was misunderstood by many in the medical community who believed that children exhibiting CVI were faking their symptoms. Children may require additional education and treatments, medical attentions, and assistance as they cope with this impairment. Victims and families who experience the burdens caused by CVI should not be forced to pay for these consequences if they were caused by the negligence of a medical professional.

At The Law Offices of Dr. Michael M. Wilson, M.D., J.D. & Associates, our legal team has extensive experience representing birth injury victims and their families. Attorney Wilson, as a trained physician, is also adept at explaining difficult medical concepts in easy-to-understand terms to legal peers and members of the non-medical community, including juries. This experience allows our firm to successfully advocate on behalf of victims and families who suffer from the devastating consequences of medical negligence and birth injuries.

If you have questions about cortical visual impairment (CVI), birth injuries, and medical malpractice, our firm is here to help. For a free consultation, contact us today.

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