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Parents Awarded $74 Million in Medical Malpractice Case

Cerebral palsy

The parents of Sofia Blunt were awarded $74 million in a medical malpractice lawsuit after a jury found Dr. Kurt Haupt negligent during her delivery, which resulted in her developing cerebral palsy. The jury awarded this sum, in part, to cover the medical costs the parents will pay throughout Sofia’s lifetime, but it is expected that Judge Charles S. Crandall will exercise his authority to reduce the amount. The jury deliberated for two days.

Nicholas Rowley, who represented the Blunt family, argued that the baby’s heart rate was not properly monitored and that Dr. Haupt did not examine the cord blood and, as such, he missed signs that could have led to a hastened delivery that may have spared Sofia from developing cerebral palsy. The defense argued that it was a blockage of mucus in her airway, rather than her heart rate, which caused the loss of oxygen that affected her brain. Dr. Haupt has plans to appeal.

Sierra Vista, the medical center where Sofia was born, was another party named in the case, but settled two and a half weeks into trial for an undisclosed sum. However, Rowley plans to file a lawsuit against their parent company, Tenet Healthcare Corporation.

Cerebral palsy is a physical disability that affects a person’s ability to move due to damage inflicted on a developing brain during pregnancy, birth, or after birth. It is a lifelong condition with no cure, but some treatments show that it can possibly improve. The condition can be incredibly severe or mild. Common symptoms of this condition include stiff muscles, difficulty moving one side of the body, seizures, and difficulty with speech.

The Law Offices of Dr. Michael M. Wilson, M.D., J.D. & Associates can provide expert legal counsel and experts in birth injury cases. Having a lawyer who is not only well versed in the law but has experience as a physician as well provides a great asset to your medical malpractice case. For a free initial consultation with Dr. Wilson, call him at 202.223.4488.

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