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When Cerebral Palsy is the Fault of the Attending Obstetrician


There are hundreds of thousands of individuals, adults and children, living with cerebral palsy in the U.S. This condition often results from a lack of oxygen during birth or in the womb, but can also result from shaken baby syndrome, a near drowning, non-fatal asphyxiation or blunt trauma.

The United Cerebral Palsy organization provides many resources, including a monthly newsletter for parents (, that helps families work through the challenges of living with cerebral palsy. But a medical malpractice attorney can also help with the significant financial burdens carried by families whose child is affected by the condition. Those burdens include ongoing healthcare, special education and recreation, transportation, caretaking, vocational development and limited lifetime earnings potential.

Catastrophic accidents are of course heartbreaking, but accidents that could have been prevented are perhaps even more tragic. When a physician or other healthcare giver makes a mistake, that health professional should be held responsible. To successfully sue for damages (including those to come over a lifetime), a medical malpractice attorney must demonstrate the following:

  • The physician and others failed to meet a defined standard of care.
  • The healthcare providers’ failure is what caused the injury.
  • You and your loved ones suffered financial burdens as a result of the injury.

If your child has been diagnosed with cerebral palsy, you face a lifetime of financial burdens to provide proper care. Contact an experienced attorney today for help in seeking fair compensation for your damages.

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